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Here are the rules regarding content present on the Ori OC Club:

  1. Your character must be related to the Ori universe
  2. There is no strong criteria about the definition of a "character related in the Ori universe": as long as you define your character as Ori-related, then it can be on the website.
    However, please be reasonable: please do not post characters that have a very different "look and feel" from other Ori canon characters, and that most people would not recognize.
    A good way to think is to ask yourself the question "if I post it in an Ori-related place, will people see my character is related to Ori?". If most people answer yes to that question, that is a good sign.

  3. Post only your own characters
  4. Do not post the characters of other people on the website, and do not try to impersonate the name of other people as well.
    (Even if you got the permission from the creator, you should still avoid posting a character that does not belong to you, because people will think it belongs to you and not to the actual owner)

  5. Only upload and link to legitimate artworks
  6. Do not upload pictures that do not represent your character, or link to a reference sheet or artwork that is not your character.

  7. Do not upload and link to NSFW content
  8. This website is visited by everyone, so everything present on the website must be SFW.
    Characters you post may be used for NSFW content, but do not post images or link to this kind of content on the website.