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About this website

Frequently asked questions

What is this site, exactly?

This website is dedicated to the characters created by fans of the game series Ori, and aims to show the most complete list of these characters, alongside with information related to them (identity, references...).

These characters (and this website) are not official ("canon") and are not meant to be. There is a lot of reasons for people to create these characters, but the main ones are to create artworks, fanfictions and alternate universes.

These characters are often called "Original Characters", or "OC".

But why?

I wanted to create a place where everyone can see the characters created by the Ori fan community, as information about characters was previously spread everywhere around, and that one were having a hard time finding a particular character or having an idea of all the creative work made by the Ori fan community.

According to the estimates of a community member who maintains a personal reference list, there is more than 2000 characters that were created at some point in the Ori fan community – and that does not include the ones from more closed sub-communities we do not know about! Yet, we rarely hear about most of them, and that is a shame since some are really creative and well designed. So this place exists to show the creative power of the community.

I would like to add a character (so people know it exists), but I do not want everyone on the Internet to know I am the owner of this character. Can I still add it?

Of course! When you create the character, you can tick a box saying that you want the owner of the character to be anonymous. So no one here (except admins) will know the owner.

How does the account system work?

As now, Ori OC Club does not support the creation of "standalone" accounts. This decision was taken because the majority of character creators have accounts on other platforms, and I felt like it was less of an hassle to rely on these accounts instead of requiring everyone to create yet another account on yet another website. (If there is demand for this, I may reconsider it)

When you will connect with Discord, Reddit or whatever, you will basically tell orioc.club "I prove I am the owner of that Discord/Reddit/whatever account", and it identifies you based on that. That means that you have to use the same account each time to connect on orioc.club: if you have been using a Discord account and suddenly you connect with a Reddit account, orioc.club will not recognize you, even if the Reddit account also belongs to you.

"Disconnecting" or "logging out" from orioc.club does not remove what you have created here (same as if you remove the website authorization in your Discord/Reddit/whatever settings). You will have to connect again, but your data will still be here.

I lost access to my Discord/Reddit/whatever account and I cannot connect anymore (or I would like to change the account I am connected with). How can I proceed?

Contact Ailothaen (reachable on most Ori Discord servers, or here). You will have to prove that the account on orioc.club belongs to you (for example, by showing you own the bound account, or showing you can edit one of the reference sheets you linked)

Who made this?

The website is made and maintained by Ailothaen.
Some assets were made by talented artists: Geobirb for the icons, and Applestream for my OC artwork on some error pages.

This website is purely a fan creation and is not endorsed by Microsoft or Moon Studios in any way.

I am not asking for tips (or donations), because I am already having fun creating and managing this project and I do not see it as a burden. However, it still has its costs (server hosting, domain name registrations...), so if you really like this website and want to support it, you can tip a small amount here.


"The Ori OC Club" (domain name: orioc.club) – designated thereafter as the Website – is a collaborative website, dedicated to the characters created by fans of the game series Ori.

The Website is edited and maintained by Ailothaen – designated thereafter as the Maintainer – but most of the content here is produced by various authors – designated thereafter as the Authors – which are members of the Ori fan community. In case of issues, you can find the contact information of the Maintainer here.

The Website is hosted by OVH SAS. Address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

The Website is subject to French law.

Ownership and content

The Website belongs to the Maintainer. However, all content posted on the Website belongs to the Authors: the Maintainer does not claim any ownership rights on it.
That also means that the permission of using content is relevant to the Authors, and not the Maintainer. (To put it another way: if someone wants to use content created by the Authors, they have to ask the Authors – the Maintainer cannot help with the request.)
By default, one should consider that all content here must not be used, unless a permission is get from the Author.

Content created on the website has to abide by the content rules, available here. However, and despite content can be moderated, the Maintainer cannot guarantee that the Website will always be free of undesirable content (ex. NSFW artworks) or malicious content (ex. links to website delivering malware), and viewer's discretion is advised. (But such content will usually be removed as quick as possible)

Terms of use

The Website is open for everyone in the Ori community to show their creations and artworks.

Authors have to abide by the content rules, available here. Going against the rules may cause the content to be moderated or removed. In case of severe or repeated infractions, the Author may get prevented to create and edit content on the Website ("lock" or "ban").

Users of the Website have to use it in its intended way and not upload malware, malicious content or cause service disruption.

About trackers and personal data

When you browse the Website, it collects information related to the way you use it (pages visited, website that brought you here, etc.) and related to your device (browser used, language, country, etc.).

This data is used only for statistical and information purposes; it is not used for advertising purposes, and it is not shared to anyone other than the Maintainer.

As no personal information is collected by these trackers, the user consent is not required. However, if you do not wish your data to be collected, you can still opt out of it by clicking this link.