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The Spirit of Sound
Artwork of Ekko

Basic information

Ekko is an Ori OC character created by omegaruby498.

He belongs to the Spirit Spirit species, and is Male Male.

Check out information about him below!


Ekko is a spirit with hyper-acute hearing and sonokinetic powers whose bat-like appearance was intentionally designed by Sein and Nibel's Spirit Tree to prevent/handle an incident of another spirit getting blown away, such as what occurred with Ori.
Ekko is charged with listening for the lost spirit(s), flying out to their location, and bringing them home, though thankfully another spirit has yet to be blown away from the tree. Ekko's hearing is sensitive enough to where he can pick up on every sound standing from one end of Nibel clear across to the other, no matter how small.
Though Ekko's hearing is his greatest asset, it can also be a curse, causing Ekko to be easily overwhelmed by all the overlapping sounds of large crowds and also by the loud claps of thunder during a storm, made even worse when coupled with Ekko having a form of synesthesia that allows Ekko to see soundwaves with both color and texture. Ekko's sensitive hearing and synesthesia resulted in the bat-spirit being timid and highly introverted and having strong social anxiety in large crowds, as well as having Ekko being severely astraphobic. Despite Ekko's timid nature, he tries to be kind and helpful and engage with other spirits and is slowly working on his social anxiety. Though large crowds are still a bit of a hassle, Ekko can manage one-on-one conversations somewhat easily and can handle a small group for brief moments. Ekko tends to have an easier time with gentler and more patient spirits as it takes him some time to warm up to someone, especially if they're more the fast-talking, energetic variety (tends to stutter and mumble due to his anxiety, as well as taking a few seconds to get his thoughts in order before speaking; lots of 'umm's and 'uhh's)
Ekko's astraphobia is not just a result of his hearing: due to being a spirit capable of flight, he's also afraid of the intense winds throwing him around and causing him to crash and be injured or worse, as well as being fearful of being struck by lightning mid-flight. Ekko's astraphobia is bad enough to where he is nervous around electricity-wielding individuals, especially when they use their electricity.
Ekko can thankfully help mitigate his social anxiety and astraphobia by using his sonokinesis to dampen the sounds of large crowds and thunder.
Ekko's sonokinesis grants him full control over sound waves: amplifying, dampening, nullifying, replicating, and even bending sound waves. Ekko's powers even allow him to understand any spoken language and be able to speak it fluently, though he still needs to learn non-verbal language (like written text or sign language) like anyone else.
Note: Ekko's powers also make him an astoundingly talented singer/musician (prefers playing the clarinet), but his social anxiety also gives him nasty stage fright (prefers to sing to close friends or by himself). Plus, he doesn't quite know how to take a compliment and somewhat undermines his abilities, much to some other spirits' chagrin.
Also note: Ekko's spirit weapons are shaped after various musical notation (sword: quarter rest, hammer: quarter note, chakram: whole note, Bow and Arrow: Fermata, etc.), with his main weapon of choice being the "Spirit Crescent": a scythe-like weapon where Ekko's scythe is stylized like an unpaired eighth note, where the bulb of the note acts as a counterweight allowing Ekko to spin his Spirit Crescent with one or both hands.


Here are links to reference sheets, artworks or information about Ekko: